Based on Social Accounting Data for Tanzania

Thomas F. Rutherford

Department of Economics
University of Colorado



This model was developed to assess the potential impact of U.S.'s African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) on Tanzania. The study was sponsored by USAID through Strategies and Analysis for Growth and Access (SAGA) Project, administered by Clark Atlanta University and Cornell University. The study was conducted by Dr. Aloyce R. Kaliba at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, U.S., in collaboration with Ms Ummy A. Mwalimu and Mr. G. Kabelwa at the Economic and Social Research Foundation, Tanzania. The analysis uses CGE_MPSGE model based on the 2001 Tanzania SAM. The Focus of the study is on examinaing the impact of increase on cotton production, and textile and apparrel export on poverty alleviation in Tanzania.

The previous programs which must be previously processed prior to this are tzabal and tzamap.

$title	A CGE Model of the Impact of AGOA Policy on Tanzania

SET     s   List of activities and commodities/
                MAIZE	Growing of maize,
                PADDY	Growing of paddy,
                SORGH	Growing of sorghum and millet,
                WHEAT	Growing of wheat,
                BEANS	Growing of beans,
                CASSA	Growing of cassave,
                CEREA	Growing of other cereals,
                OILSE	Growing of oil seeds,
                ROOTS	Growing of other roots and tubers,
                COTTO	Growing of cotton,
                COFFE	Growing of coffee,
                TOBAC	Growing of Tobaco,
                TEAGR	Growing of tea,
                CASHE	Growing of cashew nuts,
                SISAL	Growing of sisal fiber,
                SUGAR	Growing of sugar cane ,
                OFRVE	Growing of fruits and vegetables,
                OCROP	Growing of other crops,
                LIVES	Operation of poultry and livestock,
                FISHI	Fishing and fish farms,
                HUFOR	Hunting and forestry,
                MININ	Mining and quarying,
                MEATD	Processing of meat and dairy products,
                GRAIN	Grain milling,
                PFOOD	Processed food,
                BEVER	Beverage and tobacco products,
                CLOTH	Textile and leather products,
                WOODP	Wood paper printing,
                CHEMI	Manufacrure of basic and industrial chemicals,
                FERTI	Manufacturer of fertilizer and pesticides,
                PETRO	Petroleum refinaries,
                RUPLA	Rubber plastic and other manufacturing,
                GLASS	Glass and cement,
                METAL	Iron steel and metal products,
                EQUIP	Manufacture all equipment,
                UTILI	Utilities,
                CONST	Construction,
                TRADE	Wholesale and retail trade'
                HOTEL	Hotels and restaurant,
                TRANS	Transport and communication,
                ESTAT	Real estate,
                ADMIN	Public administration health and education,
                PRIVS	Business and other services /,

         M Margins /
                CTDTP-E Export transactions costs,
                CTDTP-D Domestic sales transactions costs,
                CTDTP-M Import transactions costs /,

          F Factors of production /
                FSUB    Subsistence factor,
                LCHILD  Child labor age 10 to 14,
                LNONF   Female laboe with no formal education,
                LNFPF   Female labor nonfinished primary school,
                LNFSF   Female labor nonfinished secondary school,
                LSECF   Female labor secondary or higher education,
                LNONM   Male laboe with no formal education,
                LNFPM   Male labor nonfinished primary school,
                LNFSM   Male labor nonfinished secondary school,
                LSECM   Male labor secondary or higher education,
                CAPAG   Agricultural capital,
                CAPNAG  Non-agricultural capital,
                LAND    Agricultural land /,

        H Household Groups /
                HRBFPL  Rural below food poverty line,
                HRFBPL  Rural between basic needs poverty line,
                HRNOED  Rural nonpoor head with non education,
                HRNFPS  Rural nonpoor head not finished primary school,
                HRNFSS  Rural nonpoor head not finished secondary school,
                HRSECP  Rural nonpoor head finished secondary school,
                HUBFPL  Urban below food poverty line,
                HUFBPL  Urban between basic needs poverty line,
                HUNOED  Urban nonpoor head with non education,
                HUNFPS  Urban nonpoor head not finished primary school,
                HUNFSS  Urban nonpoor head not finished secondary school,
                HUSECP  Urban nonpoor head finished secondary school/ ,

        T Taxes /
                DIRTAX  Direct taxes on domestic products,
                IMPTAX  Import tariff,
                EXPTAX  Export taxes,
                VATAX   Value added or activity taxes,
                INDTAX  Indirect or sales taxes,
                FACTAX  Factor taxes /;

alias (g,s);

	ca(g,s)	Intermediate inputs demand,
	fa(f,s)	Factor demand or value added,
	ta(t,s)	Tax collection,
	ha(s,h)	Household consumption of own production,
	ac(s,g)	Marketed output
	mc(m,g)	Marketing and transportation costs
	tc(t,g)	Indirect taxes
	rc(g)	Value of imports at (cif)
	cm(g,m)	Wholesale and retail cost
	gd(g)	Government Demand
	er(g)	Export (fob),
	cs(g)	Private investiment demand,
	ch(g,h)	Private consumption,

	hf(h,f)	Factor income to households
	ef(f)	Factor income to enterprise
	gf(f)	Factor income to government
	tf(t,f)	Factor taxes to government
	rf(f)	Factor remitance to rest of RoW

	dp(f)	Depreciation,

	tp(t,h)	Income tax payment by households,
	he(h)	Enterprise payment to households,
	hg(h)	Government transfer to households,
	hr(h)	Household income from RoW,
	psv(h)	Private savings,

	te(t)	Enterprise direct taxes,
	ge	Enterprise dividend payment to government,

	gsv	Government savings
	fsv	Foreign savings,

	tr(t)	Tax revenue;

*	Read the data from the tzamap program:

$gdxin 'tzamap.gdx'
$load	ca fa ta ha ac mc tc rc cm gd er cs ch hf ef gf tf rf dp tp he hg hr psv te ge gsv fsv tr

parameter	t_y(s)	Value-added taxes (here levied as a tax on output),
		py0(s)	Output price
		ya(g)	Aggregate output from all sectors
		as(g)	Aggregate supply
		t_m(g)	Import tariff rate
		pm0(g)	Reference import price
		t_i(g)	Indirect tax rate,
		ex(g)	Exports at producer prices
		dm(g)	Domestic use
		xi(g)	Adjustment to account for negative implicit supply;

t_y(s) = sum(t, ta(t,s)) / sum(g, ac(s,g));
py0(s) = 1 - t_y(s);
ex(g) = er(g) - mc("CTDTP-E",g);
ya(g) = max(sum(s, ac(s,g)), ex(g));
xi(g) = ya(g) - sum(s, ac(s,g));
display xi;

dm(g) = ya(g) - ex(g);
as(g) = rc(g) + sum(t, tc(t,g)) + mc("ctdtp-d",g) + mc("ctdtp-m",g) + dm(g);
t_m(g)$rc(g) = tc("imptax",g) / rc(g);
pm0(g) = 1 + t_m(g);
t_i(g)$as(g) = tc("indtax",g) / as(g);

parameter chk;
chk(g,"ya") = ya(g);
chk(g,"ex") = ex(g);
chk(g,"ya-ex") = ya(g) - ex(g);
display chk, dm, cm;



	x(g)		! Allocation of output to domestic and export markets
        y(s)		! Sectoral output (domestic production)
	e(g)$er(g)	! Export activity (applies margins)
        a(s)		! Aggregate supply (Armington aggregate)
	mg		! Transport margins
        c(h)		! Household consumption
        invest		! Aggregate investment

	py(g)		! Output price
        pd(g)$dm(g)	! Domestic sales price
	px(g)$ex(g)	! Export price
        pa(g)   	! Composite demand price for marketed ouput
        pc(h)   	! Household consumption price
	pt		! Trade and transport margins
        pf(f)   	! Factor prices
	pg		! Lump-sum tax revenue
	pe		! Enterprise rents
        pfx     	! Price of foreign exchange
        pinv    	! Investment

        ra(h)   	! Private households
        govt    	! Government
	entr		! Private firms

*	Production for domestict market and for export:

$prod:y(s) s:0 t:4 va:1
	o:py(g)		q:ac(s,g) a:govt  t:t_y(s)  p:py0(s)
	o:pc(h)		q:ha(s,h)
	i:pa(g)		q:ca(g,s)
	i:pf(f)		q:fa(f,s) va:

$prod:x(g)  t:2
	o:pd(g)		q:(ya(g)-ex(g))
	o:px(g)		q:ex(g)
	i:py(g)		q:ya(g)

	o:pfx		q:er(g)  
	i:px(g)		q:ex(g)
	i:pt		q:mc("CTDTP-E",g)

*	Trade margins:

$prod:mg  s:0
	o:pt		q:(sum((m,g), mc(m,g)))
	i:pa(g)		q:(sum(m,cm(g,m)))

*	Armington aggregation of domestic and imported goods:

$prod:a(g)  dm:2 d(dm):0 m(dm):0
         o:pa(g)		q:as(g)	a:govt	t:t_i(g)
	 i:pd(g)		q:dm(g)			d:
	 i:pt			q:mc("CTDTP-D",g)	d:
	 i:pfx			q:rc(g)			m:  p:pm0(g)  a:govt  t:t_m(g)
	 i:pt			q:mc("CTDTP-M",g)	m:

*	Investment:

	o:pinv		q:(sum(g,cs(g)))
	i:pa(g)		q:cs(g)

*	Total household consumption equals sums of private and own produced goods:

$prod:c(h) s:1
	o:pc(h)  q:(sum(g,ch(g,h)))
	i:pa(g)  q:ch(g,h)

*	Household demand with exogenously fixed investment, taxes and transfers:

        e:pinv	q:(-psv(h))
	e:pfx	q:(hg(h)+hr(h)-sum(t,tp(t,h)))
	e:pe	q:he(h)
        e:pf(f)	q:hf(h,f)

	e:pf(f)	q:ef(f)
	e:pfx	q:(-sum(t,te(t)))
	e:pa(g) q:(-gd(g))
	e:pg	q:(sum(g,gd(g)))

$demand:govt s:0
	e:py(g)	q:xi(g)
	e:pa(g)	q:(-xi(g))
	e:pinv	q:(-gsv-fsv)
	e:pe	q:ge
	e:pf(f)	q:(gf(f)+rf(f)+sum(t,tf(t,f)))
	e:pfx	q:(sum(t, te(t))-sum(h,hg(h))+fsv-sum(f,rf(f))+sum((t,h),tp(t,h)))

$sysinclude mpsgeset AGOA

AGOA.iterlim = 0;
$include AGOA.gen
solve AGOA using mcp;

*	Simulation: decrease export transaction costs:

AGOA.iterlim = 10000;

parameter EV     Welfare impact of removing transaction costs for export markets (% change);

parameter	mce(g)	Export margins (base year data)
		ra0(h)	Reference income level;

ra0(h) = ra.l(h);
mce(g) = mc("CTDTP-E",g);

*	Examine the welfare impact of removing export margins on a
*	commodity by commodity basis:

set greform(g); greform(g) = yes$(mce(g) gt 0);


	mc("CTDTP-E",greform) = 0;

$include AGOA.gen
	Solve AGOA using mcp;

	ev(h,greform) = round(100 * (ra.l(h)/(pc.l(h)*ra0(h)) - 1), 1);

	mc("CTDTP-E",g) = mce(g);

option ev:1;
display ev;

parameter	margins		Transactions costs margins on a gross basis (%);

margins(g,"Export")$er(g) = 100 * mc("CTDTP-E",g)/er(g);
margins(g,"Domestic")$(mc("CTDTP-D",g)+dm(g)) = 100 * mc("CTDTP-D",g)/(mc("CTDTP-D",g)+dm(g));
	= 100 * mc("CTDTP-m",g)/(mc("CTDTP-m",g)+rc(g)*pm0(g));
option margins:1;
display margins;

---- 167 PARAMETER xi Adjustment to account for negative implicit supply CASHE 1.000 ---- 179 PARAMETER chk ya ex ya-ex MAIZE 411.000 1.000 410.000 PADDY 337.000 3.000 334.000 SORGH 62.000 62.000 WHEAT 25.000 25.000 BEANS 155.000 1.000 154.000 CASSA 47.000 47.000 CEREA 30.000 30.000 OILSE 93.000 3.000 90.000 ROOTS 68.000 68.000 COTTO 96.000 37.000 59.000 COFFE 84.000 84.000 TOBAC 75.000 42.000 33.000 TEAGR 39.000 23.000 16.000 CASHE 88.000 88.000 SISAL 17.000 17.000 SUGAR 158.000 12.000 146.000 OFRVE 348.000 25.000 323.000 OCROP 39.000 4.000 35.000 LIVES 247.000 6.000 241.000 FISHI 323.000 62.000 261.000 HUFOR 169.000 6.000 163.000 MININ 128.000 19.000 109.000 MEATD 246.000 1.000 245.000 GRAIN 648.000 7.000 641.000 PFOOD 410.000 7.000 403.000 BEVER 166.000 1.000 165.000 CLOTH 412.000 16.000 396.000 WOODP 147.000 6.000 141.000 CHEMI 66.000 3.000 63.000 FERTI 11.000 11.000 PETRO 27.000 27.000 RUPLA 54.000 1.000 53.000 GLASS 89.000 7.000 82.000 METAL 133.000 1.000 132.000 EQUIP 115.000 8.000 107.000 UTILI 216.000 216.000 CONST 770.000 770.000 TRADE 1013.000 1013.000 HOTEL 454.000 454.000 TRANS 685.000 579.000 106.000 ESTAT 1423.000 1423.000 ADMIN 1585.000 71.000 1514.000 PRIVS 402.000 142.000 260.000 ---- 179 PARAMETER dm Domestic use MAIZE 410.000, PADDY 334.000, SORGH 62.000, WHEAT 25.000, BEANS 154.000, CASSA 47.000, CEREA 30.000 OILSE 90.000, ROOTS 68.000, COTTO 59.000, TOBAC 33.000, TEAGR 16.000, SISAL 17.000, SUGAR 146.000 OFRVE 323.000, OCROP 35.000, LIVES 241.000, FISHI 261.000, HUFOR 163.000, MININ 109.000, MEATD 245.000 GRAIN 641.000, PFOOD 403.000, BEVER 165.000, CLOTH 396.000, WOODP 141.000, CHEMI 63.000, FERTI 11.000 PETRO 27.000, RUPLA 53.000, GLASS 82.000, METAL 132.000, EQUIP 107.000, UTILI 216.000, CONST 770.000 TRADE 1013.000, HOTEL 454.000, TRANS 106.000, ESTAT 1423.000, ADMIN 1514.000, PRIVS 260.000 ---- 179 PARAMETER cm Wholesale and retail cost CTDTP-E CTDTP-D CTDTP-M TRADE 43.000 267.000 49.000 ---- 1212 PARAMETER EV Welfare impact of removing transaction costs for export markets (% change) OILSE COTTO COFFE TOBAC TEAGR CASHE SUGAR OFRVE FISHI MININ HRBFPL -0.5 -0.4 -0.6 2.0 0.9 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.6 HRFBPL -0.5 -0.3 -0.5 2.0 0.7 -0.7 -0.5 -0.4 -0.4 -0.5 HRNOED -0.4 -0.3 -0.4 1.3 -0.1 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.3 -0.4 HRNFPS -0.4 -0.2 -0.5 2.2 3.0 -0.5 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.4 HRNFSS 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 -0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 HRSECP 0.5 0.4 0.7 -0.1 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 HUBFPL 0.6 0.6 0.6 -1.2 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 HUFBPL 1.1 1.0 1.3 -2.3 0.4 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.2 HUNOED 1.1 0.9 1.2 -2.6 -0.4 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.1 HUNFPS 0.7 0.7 0.6 -0.8 3.8 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.7 HUNFSS 0.7 0.7 0.8 -0.6 -0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 HUSECP -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 1.5 -0.6 -0.6 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 + CLOTH HRBFPL -0.6 HRFBPL -0.5 HRNOED -0.4 HRNFPS -0.4 HRNFSS 0.3 HRSECP 0.5 HUBFPL 0.6 HUFBPL 1.2 HUNOED 1.1 HUNFPS 0.7 HUNFSS 0.7 HUSECP -0.5 ---- 1221 PARAMETER margins Transactions costs margins on a gross basis (%) EXPORT DOMESTIC IMPORT MAIZE 6.2 5.6 PADDY 5.9 3.8 SORGH 7.5 WHEAT 7.4 4.8 BEANS 5.5 CASSA 9.6 CEREA 6.2 OILSE 25.0 10.0 ROOTS 6.8 COTTO 11.9 9.2 COFFE 11.6 TOBAC 12.5 8.3 TEAGR 11.5 5.9 CASHE 6.4 SISAL 5.6 SUGAR 7.7 5.8 4.7 OFRVE 10.7 10.0 11.1 OCROP 5.4 LIVES 4.4 FISHI 4.6 4.4 HUFOR 4.7 MININ 5.0 4.4 6.2 MEATD 2.0 GRAIN 3.0 5.6 PFOOD 2.9 2.4 BEVER 9.3 10.0 CLOTH 5.9 3.4 3.3 WOODP 2.8 2.7 CHEMI 3.1 2.5 PETRO 3.6 3.9 RUPLA 1.9 1.5 GLASS 2.4 METAL 2.2 2.2 EQUIP 2.7 2.2