DOCUMENTATION for XLWrite Version 0.02 XLWrite: A utility for writing CSV files into an XLS spreadsheet. Version 0.02: January 21st, 2002 Version 0.03: January 24th, 2002 Miles K. Light ---------------------------------------------------------------- Changes since Version 0.02: 1) Better pattern-matching for sheet-names. REGEX matches all word characters ([0..9] and [A..Z][a..z]) between the last non-word character and the end of the name. A period "." and trailing word characters, like ".csv" is matched, but not included in the sheet name. 2) Formatting: Anything in quotes ("") is now considered to be text, and is formatted in XL as such. If it's not in quotes, xlwrite.exe guesses what the field is and invokes the formatting. 3) Less information upon blank invocation. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Bugs: 1) Sorry, Miles, but once again I need to have some syntax output from xlwrite.exe if it is given a balnk invocation. Here's the output I get with a blank invocation of xlwrite.exe: >> ---------------------------------------------------------------- D:\TEMP>xlwrite.exe XLWrite: An executable to create XLS files from .csv source files. Miles K. Light -- January 2002 Usage: xlwrite file1.csv [file2.csv ... ] workbook.xls Multiple .csv files will be included into the workbook as worksheets. D:\TEMP> --------------------------------------------------------------------- Please tell me if you don't get the default message next time.. it might be a machine-specific problem. 2) If I invoke xlwrite test1.csv test2.csv test.xls I would expect the first and second sheets to be named test1 and test2, not test1_csv and test2_csv. >> The perl script now looks through the filename array, and tries to fetter-out a reasonable worksheet name. This isn't trivial because people have all sorts of names, including periods, slashes, etc. As currently written, the script looks for the last period in the argument, then selects the text/numbers between the last non-word/number character and that last period. 3) If I want to use the scratch directory to hold a CSV file temporarily, XLWRITE should ignore the scratch directory information when naming the worksheet. For example: xlwrite 225a\a.scr 225a\b.scr test.xls should create a workbook with worksheets named a and b. (Notice that the use of something other than .csv as file name suffix should be permitted in order to get GAMS to clean up the scratch directory.) >> Done -- as written above. 4) It would be helpful if xlwrite were to squawk a bit if it is unable to write the file -- a common error with this program will be trying to write to a file which the impatient user has already opened. We need to let him know that something needs to be done / the file is already locked, etc. >> I put in a special file-checking component which aborts if the file is not write-able. 5) We also should probably give credit to the Perl script writer? Does his license permit us to distributed this as an EXE? I found that ASPACK reduces the .exe from 1.3 MB to 600K. >> Definitely compress the .exe if you can... >> The TERMS in the module are: All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself. I'm fine with giving credit to John McNamara for the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module, but if we do this, we should also give credit to the writers of these modules: 6) Numeric formatting -- suggest that we insert the number with full numeric precision, but then set the XLS display format to 2 decimals by default. >> DONE -- if the string looks like a number, then it gets a #,##0.00 format. Otherwise it gets a string format. January 21, 2002 /MKL --------------------------------------------------------