Colorado ZEW

An Automation Tool for Formatting Excel Tables and Charts

Thomas F. Rutherford*

March 2005

* This web page documents a computational tool which has been developed within the project "Indicators and Quantitative Tools for Improving the Impact Assessment Process for Sustainability" (I.Q. Tools), 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission, Contract SSP1-CT-2003-502078, Thematic Priority 8: Policy Oriented Research. See this site for a Ukrainian translation.

The motivation for this program is that computational work in economics often involves calculations followed by formatted presentation of results. Excel is a convenient but time-intensive framework of producing formatted tables and charts. The present tool is designed to reduce time cost and increase the reliability of tabular output formatted in Excel.

Microsoft offers the Windows Script Host as a tool for automation of Office Programs. When I first looked into these tools over two years ago I was put-off by the lack of thorough documentation for the Excel object model. A great number of books professing to document this interface contain the same three code fragments, and there is apparently no comprehensive documentation of all the properties and methods. There are some subtle differences between VBA and VBScript, and it is annoying that number of crucial statements needed to be figured out on a trial and error basis.

The xltable utility is a WSF file which can substantially reduce the programming work involved in moving data from text files into formatted Excel worksheets. Indeed, the native CSV format is perfectly acceptable for simply moving data files into Excel, but this approach does not reduce the work involved in formatting the data once it is in Excel.

Windows scripting tools can automate these formatting tasks, thereby improving both efficiency and reliability. The idea behind xltable is that all the subtle bits in the Windows script are are handled in the WSF file, and the user need only provide the table data and a few statements describing backgrounds, colors, lines and font styles.

The command file syntax used for formatting range objects in xltable follows the built-in Visual Basic for Applications syntax. Excel itself provides the best "documentation" for the use of VBScript to format Excel range objects. If you want to automate some aspect of a table such as row label formats etc, you can first load an unformatted version of your table in Excel, then select Tools Macro Record. This will record your subsequent actions as a VBA macro. After you have completed the changes you want to make to the table, then hit the button on the floating "macro recording box" to complete the macro.

After having recorded the macro, then enter Tools Macro Macros Edit. The Visual Basic editor then opens a file containing the VBA script you just recorded. You can use this script to discover the commands which perform a particular task on a range object, and you can copy those statements into your xltable command file. (See Jon Peltier's page which discusses limitations of the MacroRecord approach to VB programming. Bear in mind that his cautions relate to VBA while VBScript adds a range of additional subtleties.)

The program is relatively new, so I would be very pleased to receive a bug report or two. Of course, there are no warranties.


  • Hardware and software requirements
  • Installation
  • A GAMS Wrapper
  • Command Line Invocation
  • xltable Subroutine Calls
  • LoadTable Arguments
  • Global Variables
  • Some examples
  • Newbie Notes on Linking Excel Tables in Word
  • The xltable.wsf Script

    Hardware and software requirements:

    1. A PC.
    2. Microsoft Excel (2003 -- earlier versions may work too!).
    3. Windows XP or an earlier version of Windows which supports VBScript.

    Command Line Invocation:

    xlchart.wsf is a Windows Script Host file which contains routines which may be called by a compact user-supplied script. The user script is written in VBScript, but it does not require programming of a stand-alone program. The program operates from the command line as follows:

            xltable [XLS file] VBS_command_file [-b]
    When an XLS file is specified the file name indicates the name of an Excel workbook where tables are to be written. The XLS file may be referenced using a default path and reside in the currently connected directory, or it may include an explicit path to the file. If no XLS file is specified, output is written to a new workbook which is opened under user control.

    The VBS_command_file is user-supplied and based on a limited number of VBScript commands. The file name specified in the invocation may provide only the file name prefix and omit a trailing .vbs, so long as the file name is unique. The file name may be specified without an explicit path provided that the file is in the working directory.

    The -b is a "batch mode" switch which causes xltable to operate silently. When operating interactively xltable provides a sequence of message boxes which updates the user on which files are being updated and so forth. When operating in batch mode, no messages are generated and the updated XLS file is saved at the end of the job. The -b switch may only be applied with an explicit XLS file. It must be the last command argument.

    xltable Subroutine Calls

    call LoadTable(ident,title,v,ncol,r) Writes a table to the workbook with range label ident, title title, values v which are provided as a set of rows with ncol elements per row. The final argument to this call, r, returns the range object in the Excel file where the table has been written.
    call DefaultFormat(ident) Applies the default formatting to the table in range ident. This default formatting applies separate formatting to the title, column labels, row labels and data range. The user provides global variables to control the assumed table dimensions (row and column label counts), the font, the background pattern, the column width and the color index. (See ex1.gms for an illustration of the use of these options.)
    call SetRange(ident,RangeSpec,r) This call retries a range object for a specified portion of the table. The second argument is one of the following: "range", "title", "rowlabel", "columnlabel" or "data". ex2.vbs illustrates how this can be used.
    Call RangeSelect(ident,nw_row,nw_col,se_row,se_col,r) This routine retrieves a rectangular range object for an specific set of cells from the table. nw_row,nw_col are integer values corresonding to the "northwest" in the target range while se_row,se_col are the "southeast" corner in the target range. There are ncol columns in the table which are counted from left to right. The title row is row 1, the first row of data is row 2, etc. Specification of se_row=0 or se_col=0 indicates that the range extends to the bottom or final column of the table. ex3.vbs illustrates the use of this routine.

    As an alternative to RangeSelect the knowledgable VB/XL programmer can "roll their own" formatting instructions using explicit references to table subranges using the Excel object model r.offset. See ex8.vbs for an illustration of how this works.

    Call LineChart(ident)This routine generates a simple line chart using the data provided in an existing table. See ex6.vbs for an illustration of this routine.
    Call Histogram(ident)This routine generates a simple clustered column chart using the data provided in an existing table. See ex7.vbs for an illustration of this routine.

    LoadTable Arguments

    identis the VBScript identifier which may be used as the range name for the table in the Excel file. (This is the first argument in the call to LoadTable. The ident symbol need not be used -- an explicit string argument may be passed to LoadTable.)
    titleis the VBScript text string used as the range name for the table in the Excel file. (This is the second argument in the call to LoadTable. The title symbol need not be used -- an explicit string argument may be passed to LoadTable.)
    vSpecifies the value array with all labels and data to be displayed in the table. This data is entered as a single-dimensional VBScript array, something which might seem odd. I have, however, found that this is the cleanest way to supply data. I would suggest that the array data be organized with line breaks corresponding to the line breaks in the Excel table.

    Use null to represent empty cells.

    ncolSpecifies the total number of columns in the table, including both label and data columns.
    rSpecifies the range object for the table in the Excel file.

    Global Variables

    worksheetis a global variable which specifies the name of the worksheet into which the table is to be written. (Specify a string identifier prior to calling LoadTable. It may be altered between calls to write tables to different worksheets. The worksheet parameter is ignored if the table range name is defined in the target worksheet.
    ncdimis a global variable indicating the number of "column dimensions". The default value of ncdim is one. This value should be set prior to calls to SetRange(ident,"columnlabel",r), as the number of column dimensions determines the number of label rows in the table. (See ex1.vbs for illustration of how this is used.)
    nrdimis a global variable indicating the number of "row dimensions". The default value of nrdim is one. This value should be set prior to calls to SetRange(ident,"rowlabel",r), as the number of row dimensions determines the number of label columns on the left side of the table.
    fontname Specifies the default font to be applied to the entire table (default "Times New Roman").
    patternSpecifies the default range interior pattern. The default is "xlSolid" which removes spreadsheet cell boundaries.
    columnwidthSpecifies the width of columns in the table. The default is 12.
    colorindexSpecifies the color index of the interior cells of the table range. (The default index is 2.)


    Unzip the Windows Script File to a directory on the Windows path (the GAMS system directory, for example). Unzip the xltable examples to a new directory, open a command prompt in that directory and type run. This runs through each of the five illustrative command files shown below.

    A GAMS Wrapper:

    This project has primarily involved my learning the VBScript/Excel object model. At this point I can offer a pilot version of a libinclude wrapper, xltable.gms. This file and a test program (test.gms) are included in (NB: This routine relies upon the rdomain and cdomain utilities which described here and are included in inclib.pck.


    '       Simple table with no formatting, written to a new
    '       workbook:
    '  Define a table with three columns (including one row label and one
    '  column label):
    null,           "Column 1",     "Column 2", _
    "Row 1",        1,              3, _
    "Row 2",        3,              4, _
    "Row 3",        2,              6  )
    worksheet = "Tables"
    call LoadTable("Simple","A Simple Table",v,ncol,r)


    '       Simple example with default formatting:
    null,           "Case 1",     "Case 2", _
    null,           "(IRTS)",     "(CRTS)", _
    "Row 1",        1,              3, _
    "Row 2",        3,              4, _
    "Row 3",        2,              6  )
    call LoadTable("Simple","A Simple Formatted Table",v,ncol,r)
    '       Format the output, taking into account that there
    '       are two dimension labels at the top of each column:
    ncdim = 2
    '       These are the only controls offered for formatting
    '       the aggregate table:
    fontname = "Arial"
    pattern = xlNone
    columnwidth = 14
    colorindex = 1
    call DefaultFormat("Simple")


    '       Example illustrates customized formatting using
    '       the SetRange() routine to retrieve regions:
    '  Define a table with three columns (including one row label and one
    '  column label):
    null,           "Column 1",     "Column 2", _
    "Row 1",        1,              3, _
    "Row 2",        3,              4, _
    "Row 3",        2,              6  )
    call LoadTable("Simple","A Range Formatted Table",v,ncol,r)
    call DefaultFormat("Simple")
    '       Apply some additional formatting after having
    '       gone through the default:
    call SetRange("Simple","range",r)
    r.Font.Italic = True
    call SetRange("Simple","data",r)
    r.Font.Color = rgb(255,0,0)
    r.NumberFormat = "0.00"
    call SetRange("Simple","rowlabel",r)
    r.Font.Bold = False
    call SetRange("Simple","columnlabel",r)
    r.Font.Color = rgb(0,0,255)


    '       Example illustrates customized formatting using
    '       the RangeSelect() routine to select specific cells:
    '  Define a table with three columns (including one row label and one
    '  column label):
    ident = "custom"
    null,           "Column 1",     "Column 2", _
    "Tax Rates",    null,           null, _
    "agr",          1,              3, _
    "mfr",          3,              4, _
    "ser",          2,              6, _
    "Employment",   null,           null, _
    "agr",          10,              13, _
    "mfr",          33,              24, _
    "ser",          21,              36)
    Call LoadTable(ident,"A Cell Formatted Table",v,ncol,r)
    Call DefaultFormat(ident)
    Call RangeSelect(ident,3,1,3,1,r) 
    r.Font.Size = 14
    r.Font.Bold = true
    r.ColumnWidth = 25
    r.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle
    Call RangeSelect(ident,6,1,6,0,r) 
    r.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
    r.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlThin
    Call RangeSelect(ident,7,1,7,1,r) 
    r.Font.Size = 14
    r.Font.Bold = true
    r.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle


    '       Generate a worksheet with two tables
    dim ident, title
    ident = "reduction"
    title = "Total Emission Reduction (% of BaU)"
    null,"First",      "Optimal",   "NA Plans",  "NAP CDM",_
    null,"1",          "2",         "3",         "4",_
    "AUT",2.040000E+01,2.500000E+00,1.810000E+01,null, _
    '       Place the data in worksheet with the same name:
    worksheet = ident
    call LoadTable(ident,title,v,ncol,r)
    '       Define the non-default column dimension:
    '       Apply default formatting:
    call DefaultFormat(ident)
    '       Adjust the row label formatting:
    call SetRange(ident,"rowlabel",r)
    r.Font.Bold = False
    ident = "Output"
    title = "Total Output (% of BaU)"
    null,"First",      "Optimal",   "NA Plans",  "NAP CDM",_
    "AUT",2.040000E+01,2.500000E+00,1.810000E+01,null, _
    '       Place the data in a separte worksheet:
    worksheet = ident
    call LoadTable(ident,title,v,ncol,r)
    call DefaultFormat(ident)


    '       Example illustrates customized formatting using
    '       the .offset() method to define subregions:
    null,           "Column 1",     "Column 2", _
    "Row 1",        1,              3, _
    "Row 2",        3,              4, _
    "Row 3",        2,              6  )
    call LoadTable("Simple","A Range Formatted Table",v,ncol,r)
    call DefaultFormat("Simple")
    '       Apply some additional formatting after having
    '       gone through the default:
    dim ndrow,ndcol,datarange,rowlabels,collabels
    ndrow = r.rows.count-1
    ndcol = r.columns.count-1
    set datarange=r.offset(1,1).resize(ndrow,ndcol)
    set rowlabels=r.offset(1,0).resize(ndrow,1)
    set collabels=r.offset(0,1).resize(1,ndcol)
    MsgBox  "Data:"&datarange.Address&vbCRLf&_
            "Row Labels:"&rowlabels.Address&vbCRLf&_
            "Column Labels:"&collabels.Address&vbCRLf
    '       Format the data range:
    with datarange
       .Font.Color = vbRed
       .NumberFormat = "0.00"
    end with
    '       Format the row labels:
    with rowlabels
       .Font.Bold = False
       .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
    end with
    '       Format the column headers:
    with collabels
       .Font.Color = vbGreen
    end with


    '	Generate a line chart using the LineChart() routine:
    Call LoadTable("LineData","Data for the Line Chart",v,ncol,r)
    call DefaultFormat("LineData")
    call LineChart("LineData")


    '	Generate a histogram chart using the HISTOGRAM routine
    Call LoadTable("invest","Column Chart with 2-D Series IDs",v,ncol,r)
    ncdim = 2
    call DefaultFormat("invest")
    call Histogram("invest")


    '	Do it yourself charting (no series customization)
    Call LoadTable("plotdata","A Cell Formatted Table",v,ncol,r)
    With objwb.charts.add
       .SetSourceData r,xlColumns
       .ChartType = xlXYScatterLines
    End With
    With objwb.ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).TickLabels
       .Font.Bold = True
       .NumberFormat = "0"
    End With
    With objwb.ActiveChart
       .name = "MyOwnPlot"
       .HasTitle = True
       .ChartTitle.Text = "A Do-it Yourself Chart"
    End With

    Newbie Notes on Linking Excel Tables in Word

    To link a named range from an Excel workbook within a Word document enter the following commands:

    1. Insert Object
    2. Create from File (tab)
    3. Link to file (check box)
    4. Browse (select the workbook)

    These responses will import the entire workbook. After having made the link you can edit the link to include only one table rather than the entire Excel workbook.

    Enter the menu commands Edit Links. This opens a dialogue in which you can highlight your previously defined selection and press the "Change Source" button. This opens a second dialogue (file selection) in which you can navigate to the workbook file.

    Before inserting the file be sure to press the Item button. This opens a simple dialogue which states: "Type the bookmark name or range of Microsoft Excel cells you want to insert." You may then enter the named range from which the table is to be inserted. After having reimported the link, you will be left only a single table in your Word document.

    The xltable.wsf Script

    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <reference guid="{00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"/>
    Script: xltable.wsf
    Inserts formatted tables and charts in Excel from flat file input.
     <script language="VBScript">
    Option Explicit

    dim ExcelRunning ' Logical switch : Excel is running
    dim batch ' Logical flag for batch operation (no message boxes)
    dim row ' Integer index of last row written
    dim objxl,objwb,objws ' Objects referring to Excel
    dim ncol ' Number of columns in user-provided data (including labels)
    dim v ' Array with user data
    dim nrdim,ncdim ' Number of dimensions on rows and columns of table
    dim workbook ' Name of the workbook
    dim worksheet ' Name of the worksheet to be written
    dim r ' Range identifier
    dim cmdfile ' Name (including path) for user command file
    dim oFile ' Unit number of the user command file
    dim logFile ' Unit number of the log file (xltable.log)

    ' Global formatting switches:

    dim fontname,pattern,columnwidth,colorindex

    fontname ="Times New Roman"
    pattern = xlSolid
    columnwidth = 12
    colorindex = 2
    batch = False

    call OpenFiles

    ' Current row:

    row = 1
    On Error Goto 0

    ' Read the user-specified code:

    If Include(cmdfile)<>0 then
       If not batch Then
          If not ExcelRunning Then objxl.Quit
          Call ErrMsg("Error encountered in command file. Message code:"&cstr(retcode))
       End If
    End If

    sub OpenFiles

    dim wbpath,cmdfilevbs,workdir
    dim oFSO,oFld,mypath

    ExcelRunning = IsExcelRunning()

    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    ' See if we are running a batch job:

    If Wscript.Arguments.Count=1 Then
       If Wscript.Arguments(0)="-h" Then ShowUsage
    End If

    If Wscript.Arguments.Count=0 Then ShowUsage
    If Wscript.Arguments(Wscript.Arguments.Count-1)="-b" Then batch=True
    If batch and Wscript.Arguments.Count=1 Then ShowUsage
    If (not batch and Wscript.Arguments.Count = 3) Then
       Wscript.Echo "Third argument is not the batch switch:" & Wscript.Arguments(2)
    End If

    ' Permit lazy invocation in which the .xls file suffix
    ' and the current directory are both understood. When
    ' these are missing, we need to append them to the workbook
    ' name so that the objxl is able to open them:

    On Error Resume Next
    If ((batch and Wscript.Arguments.Count=3) or _
        (not batch and Wscript.Arguments.Count=2)) Then
       workbook = Wscript.Arguments(0)
       wbpath = workbook
       If oFSO.GetExtensionName(workbook)="" Then wbpath = LTrim(workbook)&".xls"
       wbpath = oFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(wbpath)
       If Err Then _
          Call ErrMsg("Unable to find Excel file "&workbook&" ("&wbpath&")")
       workdir = oFSO.GetParentFolderName(wbpath)
       If Err Then _
          Call ErrMsg("Unable to find Excel Folder "&workbook&" ("&wbpath&")")
       call WriteLog("Retrieved workdir = " & workdir)
    End If
    If batch Then
       cmdfile = Wscript.Arguments(Wscript.Arguments.Count-2)
       cmdfile = Wscript.Arguments(Wscript.Arguments.Count-1)
    End If

    ' Verify that the command file can be opened:

    On Error Resume Next
    If not oFSO.FileExists(cmdfile) Then
       cmdfilevbs = LTrim(cmdfile)&".vbs"
       If not oFSO.FileExists(cmdfilevbs) Then _
          Call ErrMsg("Unable to find command file "&cmdfile&" nor "&cmdfilevbs)
       cmdfile = cmdfilevbs
    End If

    ' If no workbook has been specified, use the command
    ' file directory as the work directory:

    If IsEmpty(workdir) Then _
       workdir = oFSO.GetParentFolderName(oFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(cmdfile))

    Set oFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(cmdfile,1)
    If Err Then _
       Call ErrMsg(_
               "Unable to open command file " & cmdfile & vbCrLf & _
               "Error: " & Err.Description)

    Set logFile=oFSO.OpenTextFile(LTrim(workdir)&"\"&"xltable.log",2,True)

    If batch and IsEmpty(workbook) Then _
       call ErrMsg("Batch mode is only valid when an explicit workbook is specified")

    ' Open a new or existing copy of Excel:

    If ExcelRunning Then
       Set objxl = GetObject(,"Excel.Application")
       Set objxl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
       objxl.visible = False
    End If

    With objxl
       If not IsEmpty(workbook) Then
          Set objwb = .Workbooks(workbook)
          If Err Then
             If ExcelRunning Then Call WriteLog("Workbook "& workbook & " is not open.")
             Call WriteLog("Trying to open "& wbpath)
             Set objwb = .Workbooks.Open(wbpath)
             If Err Then
                Call ErrMsg(_
                          "Unable to open file " & wbpath & vbCrLf & _
                          "Error: " & Err.Description)
             End If
             Call WriteLog("Using "& workbook & " which is already open.")
          End If
          Call WriteLog("Adding a new workbook.")
          Set objwb = .WorkBooks.Add
       End If
    End With
    end sub

    sub LineChart(ident)
    dim r,nr,nc

    with objxl
       .goto ident
       If Err Then
          row = 0
          Call ErrMsg("Unable to find Bar Chart range "&ident)
       End If
       nr = .Selection.Rows.Count - 1
       nc = .Selection.Columns.Count
       set r=.Selection.offset(1,0).resize(nr,nc)
    end with

    dim npoint,nseries
    npoint = r.rows.count - ncdim
    nseries = r.columns.count - nrdim

    dim LineStyle(5),LineColor(5)
    LineStyle(1) = xlContinuous
    LineStyle(2) = xlDash
    LineStyle(3) = xlDot
    LineStyle(4) = xlDashDot
    LineStyle(5) = xlDashDotDot
    LineColor(1) = vbBlack
    LineColor(2) = vbRed
    LineColor(3) = vbBlue
    LineColor(4) = vbGreen
    LineColor(5) = vbYellow

    dim c,s,i,title
    set c=objwb.charts.add
    with c

       If .SeriesCollection.count>0 Then
          For Each s in .SeriesCollection
       End If

       .ChartType = xlXYScatterLines
       for i=1 to nseries
          set s=.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
          with s
             .Name = r.cells(1,i+nrdim).resize(ncdim,1)
             .Values = r.cells(1+ncdim,i+nrdim).Resize(npoint,1)
             .XValues = r.cells(1+ncdim,1).Resize(npoint,1)
             .Border.LineStyle = LineStyle(i)
             .Border.Color = LineColor(i)
             .MarkerStyle = xlNone
             .Border.Weight = xlmedium
          end with
    end with
    title = r.offset(-1,0).resize(1,1).value
    with c
       .name = r.offset(-1,-1).resize(1,1).value
       .HasTitle = True
       .ChartTitle.Text = title
    end with

    ' After formatting, select the hidden column in
    ' order to hide the cursor:
    With objxl
       .goto ident
    End With

    end sub

    sub Histogram(ident)
    dim r,nr,nc

    with objxl
       .goto ident
       If Err Then
          row = 0
          Call ErrMsg("Unable to find Bar Chart range "&ident)
       End If
       nr = .Selection.Rows.Count - 1
       nc = .Selection.Columns.Count
       set r=.Selection.offset(1,0).resize(nr,nc)
    end with

    dim npoint,nseries
    npoint = r.rows.count - ncdim
    nseries = r.columns.count - nrdim

    dim LineColor(5)
    LineColor(1) = vbBlack
    LineColor(2) = vbRed
    LineColor(3) = vbBlue
    LineColor(4) = vbGreen
    LineColor(5) = vbYellow

    dim c,s,i,title
    set c=objwb.charts.add
    with c
       If .SeriesCollection.count>0 Then
          For Each s in .SeriesCollection
       End If
       .ChartType = xlColumnClustered
       for i=1 to nseries
          Set s=.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
          With s
             .Name = r.cells(1,i+nrdim).resize(ncdim,1)
             .Values = r.cells(1+ncdim,i+nrdim).Resize(npoint,1)
             .XValues = r.cells(1+ncdim,1).Resize(npoint,nrdim)
             .Interior.Color = LineColor(i)
             .Border.LineStyle = xlContinuous
             .Border.Color = vbBlack
          end with
    end with
    title = r.offset(-1,0).resize(1,1).value
    with c
       .name = r.offset(-1,-1).resize(1,1).value
       .HasTitle = True
       .ChartTitle.Text = title
    end with

    ' After formatting, select the hidden column in
    ' order to hide the cursor:
    With objxl
       .goto ident
    End With

    end sub

    If batch Then
       If not ExcelRunning Then objxl.Quit
       objxl.Visible = True
       objxl.UserControl = True
    End If

    logFile.Write "XLTABLE exits with no error messages."

    set objwb=Nothing
    set objxl=Nothing

    sub LoadTable(ident,title,v,ncol,r)
    dim vtest, nrow,i,j

    ' Default values for number of row and column dimensions:

    nrdim = 1
    ncdim = 1

    If IsEmpty(ncol) Then
       Call ErrMsg(_
                 "Error on entry to LoadTable." & vbCrLf & _
                 "ncol is not defined")
    End If
    If ncol<=0 Then
       Call ErrMsg(_
                 "Error on entry to LoadTable." & vbCrLf & _
                 "NCOL is non-positive "&cstr(ncol))
    End If

    ' Should provide some robustness testing of arguments:
    ' If not isarray(v) then

       If err Then
          Call ErrMsg(_
                    "Error on entry to LoadTable." & vbCrLf & _
                    "Error: " & Err.Description )
       End If

    ' Current version simply stacks up the tables

       vtest = Round((ubound(v)+1)/ncol,0) - (ubound(v)+1)/ncol
       if abs(vtest)>1.0e-5 then
          Call ErrMsg( "V dimension ="&cstr(ubound(v))&vbCRLf&_
                       "NCOL = "&cstr(ncol)&vbCRLf&_
                       "V dim must be evenly divisible by NCOL.")
       End If
       nrow = (ubound(v)+1)/ncol

    ' Assign default row and column dimensions:

       redim d(nrow-1,ncol-1)
       for i=1 to nrow
          for j=1 to ncol
             d(i-1,j-1) = v(j-1+(i-1)*ncol)

    ' Use row=0 if the range is not found:

       If not IsEmpty(workbook) Then
          On Error Resume Next
          with objxl
             .goto ident
             If Err Then
                row = 0

    ' OK, we found the range and we assign the row
    ' pointer to where we will write the range:

                row = .Selection.Row
                If .Selection.Rows.Count>nrow+1 Then
                   j = .Selection.Rows.Count-nrow-1
                   For i=1 to j
                      .Selection.EntireRow.Delete xlUp
                ElseIf .Selection.Rows.Count<nrow+1 Then
                   j = nrow+1-.Selection.Rows.Count
                   For i=1 to j
                      .Selection.EntireRow.Insert xlUp
                End If
             End If
          End With
          If err Then
             Call ErrMsg(_
               "Error encountered inserting range." & vbCrLf & _
               "Error: " & Err.Description )
          End If
          row = 0
       End If

    ' Open a named worksheet if requested:

       If row=0 Then
          If not IsEmpty(worksheet) Then
             for each objws in objwb.worksheets
                If Then
                   row = objxl.Activecell.Row + 1
                   If row=2 Then row=1
                End If
          End If
       End if
       If row=0 Then
          If not IsEmpty(worksheet) Then
             set objws = objwb.Worksheets.Add
             objws.Name = worksheet
             row = 1
             row = objxl.Activecell.Row + 1
             If row=2 Then row=1
          End If
       End If

       If row=3 Then row=1
       With objxl.ActiveSheet
          .Range(.Cells(row,1),.Cells(row,1)).value = ident

          set r=.Range(.Cells(row,2),.Cells(row,1+ncol))
          r.MergeCells = True
          r.Value = title

          set r=.Range(.Cells(row+1,2),.Cells(row+1,2)).resize(nrow,ncol)
          r.Value = d

          objwb.names.add ident,"=" & .Name&"!"&objxl.Application.Selection.Address

    ' Install a border:

          set r=.Range(.Cells(row+nrow+1,1),.Cells(row+nrow+1,1)).resize(1,ncol+1)
          With r.Interior
             .ColorIndex = 15
             .Pattern = pattern
             .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
          End With

          set r=.Range(.Cells(row,ncol+2),.Cells(row+nrow+1,ncol+2))
          With r.Interior
             .ColorIndex = 15
             .Pattern = pattern
             .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
          End With

    ' Hide the first column:

          objxl.Application.Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True


    ' Return the range into which d has been written:

          set r=.Range(.Cells(row+1,2),.Cells(row+1,2)).resize(nrow,ncol)

          Call WriteLog(ident&" written to " & .Name&"!"&r.Address)

       end with

    ' Update the pointer so we are ready to load another table:

       row = row + nrow + 1

       If IsEmpty(worksheet) Then worksheet = objxl.ActiveSheet.Name

    ' objxl.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Select

    end sub

    sub RangeSelect(ident,i,j,ByVal ii, ByVal jj,r)
       with objxl
          .goto ident
          If Err Then _
             Call ErrMsg( "Cannot find range: "&ident)
          If ii=0 Then
             ii = .Selection.Rows.Count
          End If
          If jj=0 Then
             jj = .Selection.Columns.Count
          End If
          If i<= 0 Then _
             Call ErrMsg("Requested row is non-positive: "&ident&" : "&cstr(i))
          If j<= 0 Then _
             Call ErrMsg("Requested column is non-positive: "&ident&" : "&cstr(j))
          If i>.Selection.Rows.Count Then _
            Call ErrMsg("Requested row index out of range: "&ident&" : "&cstr(i))
          If j>.Selection.Columns.Count Then _
            Call ErrMsg("Requested column index out of range: "&ident&" : "&cstr(j))
          If ii<i Then _
            Call ErrMsg("Second row indices: "&ident&" : "&cstr(i)&" > "&cstr(ii))
          If jj<j Then _
            Call ErrMsg("Second column indices: "&ident&" : "&cstr(j)&" > "&cstr(jj))
          set r = .ActiveSheet.Range( _
               .Cells(.Selection.Row+ i-1, .Selection.Column+ j-1), _
               .Cells(.Selection.Row+ii-1, .Selection.Column+jj-1) )
       end with

    end sub

    Sub SetRange(ident,field,r)
       Select Case field
       Case "range"
          Call RangeSelect(ident,2,1,0,0,r)
       Case "title"
          Call RangeSelect(ident,1,1,1,0,r)
       Case "columnlabel"
          Call RangeSelect(ident,2,1+nrdim,1+ncdim,0,r)
       Case "rowlabel"
          Call RangeSelect(ident,2+ncdim,1,0,nrdim,r)
       Case "data"
          Call RangeSelect(ident,2+ncdim,1+nrdim,0,0,r)
       Case Else
          Call ErrMsg("Unrecognized field passed to SetRange: "&field)
       End Select
    End Sub

    Sub DefaultFormat(ident)
    dim r
       Call SetRange(ident,"range",r)
       With r
          .Font.Name = fontname
          .ColumnWidth = columnwidth
          .Interior.ColorIndex = colorindex
          .Interior.Pattern = pattern
          If ncol>2 Then
             .Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
             .Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
             .Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
             .Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
             .Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
             .Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
             .Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
             .Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone
          End If
          .Interior.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
       End With
       Call SetRange(ident,"title",r)
       With r
          .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
          .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
          .WrapText = False
          .Orientation = 0
          .Font.Size = 14
          .Font.Bold = true
          .Font.Italic = False
       End With
       If ncdim>0 Then
          Call SetRange(ident,"columnlabel",r)
          With r
             .ColumnWidth = 12
             .Font.Bold = True
             .Font.Name = "Courier New"
             .Font.Size = 10
             .Font.Italic = False
             .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
             .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
             If ncol>2 Then
                .Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
                .Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
                .Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
                .Borders(xlEdgeBottom).weight = xlThin
             End If
          End With
       End If
       If nrdim>0 Then
          Call SetRange(ident,"rowlabel",r)
          With r
             .Font.Bold = True
             .Font.Name = "Courier New"
             .Font.Size = 10
             .Font.Italic = False
             .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
             .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
          End With
       End If
       Call SetRange(ident,"data",r)
       With r
          .Font.Size = 10
          .NumberFormat = "General"
          If ncol>2 Then
             .Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
             .Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlThin
          End If
       End With
    ' After formatting, select the hidden column in
    ' order to hide the cursor:
    End Sub

    Function Include(Scriptname)
    On Error Resume Next
    ExecuteGlobal oFile.ReadAll()

    ' 13 - type mismatch - usually a sign of garbage in the file
    ' 62 - read past end of file, due to a bug in WSH this
    ' occurs if executing an empty statement. (So even if you intend
    ' to write an empty file, give it a ' and carriage return).
    ' 424 - could not find file
    if Err Then _
       Call ErrMsg( _
               "Unable to read command file " & cmdfile & vbCrLf & _
               "Error: " & Err.Description )
    Include = Err.Number
    End Function

    Sub ShowUsage()
    if not batch Then WScript.Echo _
       "xltable.wsf formats tables in Excel from flat text input files." & _
       vbCrLf & _
       vbCrLf & "Syntax:" & vbCrLf & _
       vbCrLf & _
       "xltable.wsf [WorkBook] CommandFile" & vbCrLf & _
       vbCrLf & _
       "WorkBook is the Excel file to be updated." & vbCrLf & _
       "(When this parameter is omitted a new workbook is created.)" & vbCrLf & _
       vbCrLf & _
       "CommandFile is an xltable command file." & vbCrLf & _
       vbCrLf & _
       "Example: Update tables in file report.xls using commands ," & vbCrLf & _
       "in file report.cmd where both files are assumed to be in " & vbCrLf & _
       "the currently connected directory:" & vbCrLf & _
       vbCrLf & _
       vbCrLf & "cscript xltable.wsf report.xls report.cmd"
    WScript.Quit -1
    End Sub

    Sub WriteLog(msg)
       logFile.WriteLine msg
    ' If not batch Then Wscript.Echo msg
    End Sub

    Sub ErrMsg(msg)
       If not batch Then
          Wscript.Echo msg
          logFile.Write msg
       End If
       Wscript.Quit -1
    End Sub

    Function IsExcelRunning()
        Dim xlApp
        On Error Resume Next
        Set xlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
        IsExcelRunning = (Err.Number = 0)
        Set xlApp = Nothing
    End Function