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2.1 The Dataset

An important feature of GTAPinGAMS package is that datasets may be freely aggregated into fewer regions, fewer sectors and even fewer primary factors. This feature permits a modeller to do preliminary model development using a small dataset to ensure rapid response and a short debug cycle. After having implemented a small model, it is then a simple matter to expand the number of sectors and/or regions in order to obtain a more precise empirical estimate.

All GTAP datasets are defined in terms of three primary sets: i, the set of sectors and produced commodities, r the set of countries and regions, and f the set of primary factors. Table 1 presents the identifiers for the 45 GTAP 4 sectors in their most disaggregate form. These are more-or-less identical to the GEMPACK model apart from the replacement of for in the original dataset by frs in this one. ("for" became a reserved keyword beginning with GAMS release 2.25.) These sectors may be aggregated freely to produce more compact datasets with one restriction: sector cgd must appear as a distinct sector in any aggregation.

Table 1: Sectoral Identifiers in the Full GTAPinGAMS Dataset

SET   i   Sectors /
PDR     Paddy rice,                     B_T     Beverages and tobacco,
WHT     Wheat,                          TEX     Textiles,
GRO     Grains (except rice-wheat),     WAP     Wearing apparel,
V_F     Vegetable fruit nuts,           LEA     Leather goods,
OSD     Oil seeds,                      LUM     Lumber and wood,
C_B     Sugar cane and beet,            PPP     Pulp and paper,
PFB     Plant-based fibers,             P_C     Petroleum and coal products,
OCR     Crops n.e.c.,                   CRP     Chemicals  rubber and plastics,
CTL     Bovine cattle,                  NMM     Non-metallic mineral products,
OAP     Animal products n.e.c.,         I_S     Primary ferrous metals,
RMK     Raw milk,                       NFM     Non-ferrous metals,
WOL     Wool,                           FMP     Fabricated metal products,
FRS     Forestry,                       MVH     Motor vehicles,
FSH     Fishing,                        OTN     Other transport equipment,
COL     Coal,                           ELE     Electronic equipment,
OIL     Oil,                            OME     Machinery and equipment,
GAS     Natural Gas,                    OMF     Other manufacturing products,
OMN     Other Minerals,                 ELY     Electricity,
CMT     Bovine cattle meat products,    GDT     Gas manuf. and distribution,
OMT     Meat products n.e.c.,           WTR     Water,
VOL     Vegetable oils,                 CNS     Construction,
MIL     Dairy products,                 T_T     Trade and transport,
PCR     Processed rice,                 OSP     Other services (private),
SGR     Sugar,                          OSG     Other services (public),
OFD     Other food products,            DWE     Dwellings,
                                        CGD     Savings good/;

Table 2 presents regional identifiers in the full dataset many of which correspond to standard UN three-character country codes14. Table 3 presents the three-character identifiers used for primary factors. Note that these differ from the primary factor names employed in the GEMPACK model.

Table 2: Regional Identifiers in the Full GTAPinGAMS Dataset

SET   r   Regions /
AUS    Australia,                             ARG    Argentina,
NZL    New Zealand,                           BRA    Brazil,
JPN    Japan,                                 CHL    Chile,
KOR    Republic of Korea,                     URY    Uruguay,
IDN    Indonesia,                             RSM    Rest of South America,
MYS    Malaysia,                              GBR    United Kingdom,
PHL    Philippines,                           DEU    Germany,
SGP    Singapore,                             DNK    Denmark,
THA    Thailand,                              SWE    Sweden,
VNM    Vietnam,                               FIN    Finland,
CHN    China,                                 REU    Rest of EU,
HKG    Hong Kong,                             EFT    European Free Trade Area,
TWN    Taiwan,                                CEA    Central European Associates,
IND    India,                                 FSU    Former Soviet Union,
LKA    Sri Lanka,                             TUR    Turkey,
RAS    Rest of South Asia,                    RME    Rest of Middle East,
CAN    Canada,                                MAR    Morocco,
USA    United States of America,              RNF    Rest of North Africa,
MEX    Mexico,                                SAF    South Africa,
CAM    Central America and Caribbean,         RSA    Rest of South Africa,
VEN    Venezuela,                             RSS    Rest of Sub-Saharan Africa,
COL    Columbia,                              ROW    Rest of World  /;
RAP    Rest of Andean Pact,

Table 3: Primary Factor Identifiers in the Full GTAPinGAMS Dataset

SET     f       Primary factors /
                LND     Land,
                SKL     Skilled labor,
                LAB     Unskilled labor,
                CAP     Capital,
                RES     Natural resources /

GAMS code which declares all parameters in a GTAP dataset is shown in Table 4. The parameters beginning with v are base year (1995) value data, most of which are from the original GEMPACK implementation of GTAP. Not all value data from the original dataset are included here. The principal difference is that this dataset stores tax rates rather than gross and net of tax transaction values. The tax parameters, beginning with t are not in the original GEMPACK dataset.

Table 4: Parameters Explicitly Represented in a GTAPinGAMS Dataset

alias (i,j), (r,s);
        ty(i,r)         Output tax
        ti(j,i,r)       Intermediate input tax
        tf(f,i,r)       Factor tax
        tx(i,s,r)       Export tax rate (defined on a net basis)
        tm(i,s,r)       Import tariff rate
        tg(i,r)         Tax rates on government demand
        tp(i,r)         Tax rate on private demand
        vafm(j,i,r)     Aggregate intermediate inputs
        vfm(f,i,r)      Value of factor inputs (net of tax)
        vxmd(i,r,s)     Value of commodity trade (fob - net export tax)
        vtwr(i,r,s)     Transport services
        vst(i,r)        Value of international transport sales
        vdgm(i,r)       Government demand (domestic)
        vigm(i,r)       Government demand (imported)
        vdpm(i,r)       Aggregate private demands (domestic)
        vipm(i,r)       Aggregate private demands (domestic);

Table 5: Computed Benchmark Parameters

        vim(i,r)        Total value of imports (gross tariff)
        vxm(i,r)        Value of export (gross excise tax)
        vdm(i,r)        Value of domestic output (net excise tax)
        vdfm(i,r)       Aggregate intermediate demand (domestic)
        vifm(i,r)       Aggregate intermediate demand (imported)
        vom(i,r)        Aggregate output value (gross of tax)
        vgm(i,r)        Public expenditures
        vpm(i,r)        Private expenditures
        vg(r)           Total value of public expenditure
        vp(r)           Total value of private expenditure
        vi(r)           Total value of investment
        vt              Value of international trade margins
        vb(*)           Net capital inflows
        market(*,*)     Consistency check for calibrated benchmark
        evoa(f,r)       Value of factor income
        va(d,i,r)       Armington supply
        vd(d,i,r)       Domestic supply
        vm(d,i,r)       Imported supply;

Table 6: Assignments for Computed Benchmark Parameters

vxm(i,r) = sum(s, vxmd(i,r,s)) + vst(i,r);
vim(i,r) = sum(s,(vxmd(i,s,r)*(1+tx(i,s,r))+vtwr(i,s,r))*(1+tm(i,s,r)));
vdm(i,r) = ( sum(j, vafm(j,i,r)*(1+ti(j,i,r)))
           + sum(f,  vfm(f,i,r)*(1+tf(f,i,r)))) / (1-ty(i,r)) - vxm(i,r);
vdfm(i,r) = vdm(i,r)  - vdgm(i,r) - vdpm(i,r) - vdm(i,r)$cgd(i);
vi(r) = sum(cgd, vdm(cgd,r));
vifm(i,r) = vim(i,r) - vipm(i,r) - vigm(i,r);
vom(i,r) = vdm(i,r) + vxm(i,r);
vgm(i,r) = vigm(i,r)+vdgm(i,r);
vpm(i,r) = vipm(i,r)+vdpm(i,r);
vg(r) = sum(i, vgm(i,r) * (1 + tg(i,r)));
vp(r) = sum(i, vpm(i,r) * (1 + tp(i,r)));
vt = sum((i,r), vst(i,r));
evoa(f,r) = sum(i, vfm(f,i,r));
vb(r) = vp(r) + vg(r) + vdm("cgd",r)
        - sum(f, evoa(f,r))
        - sum(i,     ty(i,r)   * vom(i,r))
        - sum((i,j), ti(j,i,r) * vafm(j,i,r))
        - sum((i,f), tf(f,i,r) * vfm(f,i,r))
        - sum((i,s), tx(i,r,s)  * vxmd(i,r,s))
        - sum((i,s), tm(i,s,r)  * (vxmd(i,s,r)*(1+tx(i,s,r)) + vtwr(i,s,r)) )
        - sum(i,     tg(i,r)*vgm(i,r))
        - sum(i,     tp(i,r)*vpm(i,r));

vm("c",i,r) = vipm(i,r);        vd("c",i,r) = vdpm(i,r);
vm("g",i,r) = vigm(i,r);        vd("g",i,r) = vdgm(i,r);
vm("i",i,r) = vifm(i,r);        vd("i",i,r) = vdfm(i,r);
va(d,i,r) = vm(d,i,r) + vd(d,i,r);
market(r,i) = vdfm(i,r) + vifm(i,r) - sum(j, vafm(i,j,r));
market("world","t") = vt - sum((i,r,s), vtwr(i,r,s));

Whenever a GTAP dataset is read additional intermediate parameter values are assigned. Declarations for the computed parameters are presented in Table 5. Table 6 lists the GAMS parameter assignment statements for the computed items. Briefly, this is done as follows: (i) aggregate exports at market prices (vxm) are defined from the matrix of bilateral trade flows; (ii) aggregate imports at market prices (vim) are defined by bilateral exports, export taxes, transportation margins and tariff rates; (iii) domestic output (vdm) is determined as a residual through the zero profit condition; (vi) domestic supply to the intermediate demand (vdfm) is defined as a residual given domestic production and other demands for domestic output; (vii) import supply to intermediate demand (vifm) is also defined as a residual given aggregate imports, private and public import demand. This sequence of assignments implies that any imbalance in the dataset shows up as either a discrepancy in the demand and supply for intermediate inputs or as an imbalance between demand and supply of transportation services. The parameter market is created to generate a report of consistency of the benchmark data. (Primary factor markets always balance because endowments are computed residually given benchmark factor demands across sectors. Likewise, regional current account balances are computed from the income-expenditure identity.)

Table 7 lists declarations and assignments of reference prices for each of the benchmark transactions which are subject to tax. These parameters are used in the MPSGE and MCP models as part of the calibration of demand functions. Share parameters used solely in the MCP model are not included here.

Table 7: Benchmark Prices

        pc0(i,r)        Reference price index for private consumption
        pf0(f,i,r)      Reference price index for factor inputs
        pg0(i,r)        Reference price index for public
        pi0(j,i,r)      Reference price index for intermediate inputs
        pt0(i,s,r)      Reference price index for transport
        px0(i,s,r)      Reference price index for imports;
px0(i,s,r) = (1+tx(i,s,r))*(1+tm(i,s,r));
pt0(i,s,r) = 1+tm(i,s,r);
pc0(i,r)   = 1+tp(i,r);
pg0(i,r)   = 1+tg(i,r);
pi0(j,i,r) = 1+ti(j,i,r);
pf0(f,i,r) = 1+tf(f,i,r);

It is a matter of personal taste in mathematics and computing, but I generally use one or two character identifiers in an algebraic exposition while employing GAMS parameters with as many as 10 characters. In order to avoid potential confusion due to differences in notation, Table 8 gives a cross-reference of symbols used in the algebraic formulation in this paper to the GAMS parameters which define the benchmark value of these variables in the GTAPinGAMS dataset.

Table 8: Algebraic Symbols and Related Benchmark Parameters


October 23, 1998

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