$TITLE A Sample Implementation of the HHP Decomposition in GAMS


Christoph Boehringer
ZEW, Mannheim

Thomas F. Rutherford
University of Colorado

November, 2002

This program illustrates a general purpose procedure for the HHP
decomposition in GAMS models where model solution values (z)
are a implicit function of two or more policy instruments (x).
The HHP decomposition attributes changes in the endogenous model
outcome to changes in the exogenous policy variables by evaluating
a line integral from the starting to the ending point.  In this
implementation, all derivatives are calculated numerically.

Harrison J., M. Horridge. and K.R.Pearson (2000), Decomposing
Simulation Results with Respect to Exogenous Shocks, Computational
Economics, 15 (3),. 227-249.

Sergey Paltsev, "The Kyoto Protocol: Regional and Sectoral
Contributions to the Carbon Leakage," The Energy Journal, 2001,
22(4), pp. 53-79.

Boehringer, Christoph and Thomas F. Rutherford, "Who should pay how much?
Compensation for International Spillovers from Carbon Abatement
Policies to Developing Countries - A Global CGE Assessment",
Computational Economics.


*       Retrieve a GAMS library model, GTM, to use for illustration.  

*       We will apply two constraints on network flows and use the 
*       decomposition procedure to determine the contributions of 
*       these two restrictions to demand responses throughout the
*       network.

$call gamslib gtm
$include gtm

*       Declare variables for reporting how restrictions in shipment
*       capacity produce changes in demand:

parameter       decomp          Demand impact associated with network restrictions,
                demand          Demand levels;

*       First consider applying the restrctions one by one and then in concert
*       to illustrate the sensitivity of the decomposition to the order in which
*       the policy shocks are applied.

*	Set up the solution link to minimize load time:


*       Constrain only us-gulf -> south-west to 2:

x.up("us-gulf","south-west") = 2;
solve gtm maximizing benefit using nlp;
demand(j,"gulf") = d.l(j);

*       Constrain only mid-cont -> south-west to 1:

x.up("us-gulf","south-west") = 3.73;
x.up("mid-cont","south-west") = 1.0;
solve gtm maximizing benefit using nlp;
demand(j,"mid-cont") = d.l(j);

*       Now add a constraint on us-gulf -> south-west:

x.up("us-gulf","south-west") = 2;
solve gtm maximizing benefit using nlp;
demand(j,"both") = d.l(j);

*       Solve the unconstrained case:

x.up("us-gulf","south-west") = 3.73;
x.up("mid-cont","south-west") = 2.3;
solve gtm maximizing benefit using nlp;
demand(j,"ref") = d.l(j);

*       Generate a report for the two alternative decompositions, 
*       based on sequential application of the constraints:

decomp(j,"mid,gulf") = demand(j,"both") - demand(j,"mid-cont");
decomp(j,"gulf,mid") = demand(j,"gulf") - demand(j,"ref");

*       =========================================================================
*       Start the HHP Decomposition Procedure as Implemented in GAMS

*       NB  We use the "_" suffix to avoid naming conflicts with the application
*       and to thereby make code more portable.  There are three places in the
*       procedure which require application-specific statements.

*       --------------------------------------------------------------------
*       1. Application-specific assignments:
*       --------------------------------------------------------------------

*       The following statements relate i_ and j_ to sets in the model.  We
*       need to have these to avoid domain violations:

set i_(i),j_(j);

set     i_              Set of exogenous policy instruments /us-gulf,mid-cont/
        j_              Set of items to be decomposed   / mexico, west-can, ont-quebec, 
                                                  atlantic, new-engl, ny-nj, mid-atl, 
                                                  south-atl, midwest, south-west, central, 
                                                  n-central, west, n-west /;
        x0_(i_)         Base values of exogenous policy instruments     
                        /us-gulf  3.73, mid-cont  2.3/
        deltax_(i_)     Total change in policy instruments              
                        /us-gulf -1.73, mid-cont -1.3/;

*       --------------------------------------------------------------------
*       Define the precision of the line integral calculation by
*       selecting the number of steps and the numerical differencing
*       interval:

sets    t_              Steps in line integral /t_0*t_100/;

scalar  epsilon_        Differentiation perturbation /0.0001/;

*       Declare other decomposition-specific parameters:

        dt_                     Step size in integral over t_,
        x_(i_)                  Policy instrument values in the model,
        z_(j_)                  Current value of z,
        z0_(j_,t_)              Values of Z along integral over t_,
        dZdx_(j_,t_,i_)         Values of partial derivatives along integral,
        decomp_(j_,i_)          Decomposition of changes in z,
        handshake_(j_)          Approximation error,
        pctdecomp_(j_,i_)       Decomposition in percentage effects
        isol_                   Solution counter /0/,
        nsol_                   Number of solutions to date;

*   Step size for the line integral:

dt_ = 1 /(card(t_)-1);

*   Initialize policy instrument with base (initial) value before the policy shock 

x_(i_) = x0_(i_);

*       Generate a status report in the title bar if we are operating
*       on Windows NT/2K/XP:

$if %system.filesys%==MSNT file title_ /'title.cmd'/; title_.nd=0; title_.nw=0;

*	This somewhat cryptic command uses the GAMS PUT facility to write
*	a command file which updates the title of the parent window.

*	The CMD file which is written and then executed looks like this:

*	@title Solving case 25 of 303  (8 %% complete)  Start time: 12:28:26, Current time: %time% -- Ctrl-S to pause

*	This command works with Windows NT/2K/XP, but not with Windows 95/98/Me.

$set updatetitle "putclose title_ '@title Solving case ',isol_,' of ',nsol_,'  (',(round(100*isol_/nsol_)),' %% complete)  Start time: %system.time%, Current time: %time% -- Ctrl-S to pause'/; execute 'title.cmd';"

*       Turn off the GAMS column, equation and solution listings:

option limrow=0, limcol=0, solprint=off;

*   Go along the straight line (natural path) for policy instruments in
*   small steps at stepsize dt_

nsol_ = card(t_) * (1+card(i_));
        isol_ = isol_ + 1;

*       --------------------------------------------------------------------
*       2. Application-specific assignments:
*       --------------------------------------------------------------------

        x.up(i_,"south-west") = x_(i_);

*	Update the title bar with the status prior to the solve:

$if defined title_ %updatetitle%
        solve gtm maximizing benefit using nlp;
        z0_(j_,t_) = d.l(j_);

*   Loop over exogenous policy instruments and compute local derivative


                isol_ = isol_ + 1;

*       --------------------------------------------------------------------
*       3. Application-specific assignments:
*       --------------------------------------------------------------------
                x.up(i_,"south-west") = x_(i_) + epsilon_;

*	Update the title bar with the status prior to the solve:

$if defined title_ %updatetitle%
                solve gtm maximizing benefit using nlp;

                x.up(i_,"south-west") = x_(i_);
                z_(j_) = d.l(j_);

*       Numerical differencing evaluates partial derivatives:

                dZdx_(j_,t_,i_) = (z_(j_) - z0_(j_,t_)) / epsilon_;

*       Move input parameter values along the "natural path":

        x_(i_) = x_(i_) + dt_ * deltax_(i_);

*   Calculate the absolute change in the model variable Z that is attributable 
*   to the change in the i-th policy instrument

decomp_(j_,i_) = sum(t_, dZdx_(j_,t_,i_) * deltax_(i_) * dt_);

*   Handshake measures the error in adding up
*   (if the error is too large, use more steps to go along the straight line)

handshake_(j_) = sum(i_, decomp_(j_,i_)) 
                - sum(t_$(ord(t_) gt 1), z0_(j_,t_) - z0_(j_,t_-1));

*   Decomposition in percentage effects (share of contribution of the i-th
*   policy instrument in total change of Z)

alias (i_,ii_);

pctdecomp_(j_,i_)$sum(ii_, decomp_(j_,ii_)) 
        = round(100*decomp_(j_,i_)/sum(ii_, decomp_(j_,ii_)), 0); 

display  decomp_, pctdecomp_, handshake_;

*       End of the HHP Decomposition Procedure Implemented in GAMS
*       =========================================================================

*       Generate  a report for comparison with the simple-minded
*       decompositions:

decomp(j_,"HHP") = decomp_(j_,"us-gulf");
decomp(j_,"Tolerance") = handshake_(j_);
display decomp;


---- 393 PARAMETER decomp_ Decomposition of changes in z us-gulf mid-cont new-engl 0.046 0.017 ny-nj 0.089 0.033 mid-atl 0.066 0.025 south-atl 0.170 0.064 midwest 0.228 0.086 south-west -1.013 -0.295 central -0.089 0.050 n-central -0.126 -0.024 west -0.188 -0.058 n-west -0.045 -0.014 ---- 393 PARAMETER pctdecomp_ Decomposition in percentage effects us-gulf mid-cont new-engl 73.000 27.000 ny-nj 73.000 27.000 mid-atl 73.000 27.000 south-atl 73.000 27.000 midwest 73.000 27.000 south-west 77.000 23.000 central 229.000 -129.000 n-central 84.000 16.000 west 76.000 24.000 n-west 77.000 23.000 ---- 393 PARAMETER handshake_ Approximation error new-engl 0.001, ny-nj 0.002, mid-atl 0.002, south-atl 0.005, midwest 0.006 south-west -0.009, central -0.007, n-central -2.06676E-5, west -0.002, n-west -4.56454E-4
---- 403 PARAMETER decomp Demand impact associated with network restrictions mid,gulf gulf,mid HHP Tolerance new-engl 0.056 0.052 0.046 0.001 ny-nj 0.108 0.100 0.089 0.002 mid-atl 0.081 0.075 0.066 0.002 south-atl 0.209 0.191 0.170 0.005 midwest 0.279 0.167 0.228 0.006 south-west -1.226 -0.937 -1.013 -0.009 central -0.021 -0.139 -0.089 -0.007 n-central -0.139 -0.146 -0.126 -2.06676E-5 west -0.231 -0.171 -0.188 -0.002 n-west -0.055 -0.041 -0.045 -4.56454E-4