GTAP5inGAMS Dataset: Regions, Sectors, Factors
The GTAP5inGAMS dataset has 66 regions, 57 sectors, and 5 factors of production.

Table 1. Regional identifiers in the GTAP5inGAMS Dataset 

Code	Region	Description
 1	AUS	Australia
 2	NZL	New Zealand
 3	CHN	China
 4	HKG	Hong Kong
 5	JPN	Japan
 6	KOR	Korea
 7	TWN	Taiwan, Province of China
 8	IDN	Indonesia
 9	MYS	Malaysia
10	PHL	Philippines
11	SGP	Singapore
12	THA	Thailand
13	VNM	Vietnam
14	BGD	Bangladesh
15	IND	India
16	LKA	Sri Lanka
17	XSA	Rest of South Asia
18	CAN	Canada
20	MEX	Mexico
21	XCM	Central America and the Caribbean
22	COL	Colombia
23	PER	Peru
24	VEN	Venezuela
25	XAP	Rest of Andean Pact
26	ARG	Argentina
27	BRA	Brazil
28	CHL	Chile
29	URY	Uruguay
30	XSM	Rest of South America
31	AUT	Austria
32	BEL	Belgium
33	DNK	Denmark
34	FIN	Finland
35	FRA	France
36	DEU	Germany
38	GRC	Greece
39	IRL	Ireland
40	ITA	Italy
41	LUX	Luxemburg
42	NLD	Netherlands
43	PRT	Portugal
44	ESP	Spain
45	SWE	Sweden
46	CHE	Switzerland
47	XEF	Rest of EFTA
48	HUN	Hungary
49	POL	Poland
50	XCE	Rest of Central Eastern European Association
51	XSU	Former Soviet Union
52	TUR	Turkey
53	XME	Rest of Middle East
54	MAR	Morocco
55	XNF	Rest of North Africa
56	BWA	Botswana
57	XSC	Rest of South African Customs Union
58	MWI	Malawi
59	MOZ	Mozambique
60	TZA	Tanzania
61	ZWE	Zimbabwe
62	ZMB	Zambia
63	XSF	Other Southern Africa
64	UGA	Uganda
65	XSS	Rest of Sub Saharan Africa
66	XRW	Rest of World

Table 2. Sectoral identifiers in the GTAP5inGAMS Dataset 

Code	Sector	Description

1	PDR	Paddy rice
2	WHT	Wheat
3	GRO	Cereal grains nec
4	V_F	Vegetables, fruit, nuts
5	OSD	Oil seeds
6	C_B	Sugar cane, sugar beet
7	PFB	Plant-based fibers
8	OCR	Crops nec
9	CTL	Bovine cattle, sheep and goats, horses
10	OAP	Animal products nec
11	RMK	Raw milk
12	WOL	Wool, silk-worm cocoons
13	FRS	Forestry
14	FSH	Fishing
15	COL	Coal
16	OIL	Oil
17	GAS	Gas
18	OMN	Minerals nec
19	CMT	Bovine meat products
20	OMT	Meat products nec
21	VOL	Vegetable oils and fats
22	MIL	Dairy products
23	PCR	Processed rice
24	SGR	Sugar
25	OFD	Food products
26	B_T	Beverages and tobacco products
27	TEX	Textiles
28	WAP	Wearing apparel
29	LEA	Leather products
30	LUM	Wood products
31	PPP	Paper products, publishing
32	P_C	Petroleum, coal products
33	CRP	Chemical, rubber, plastic products
34	NMM	Mineral products
35	I_S	Ferrous metals
36	NFM	Metals
37	FMP	Metal products
38	MVH	Motor vehicles and parts
39	OTN	Transport equipment nec
40	ELE	Electronic equipment
41	OME	Machinery and equipment
42	OMF	Manufactures
43	ELY	Electricity
44	GDT	Gas manufacture, distribution
45	WTR	Water
46	CNS	Construction
47	TRD	Trade
48	OTP	Transport
49	WTP	Water transport
50	ATP	Air transport
51	CMN	Communication
52	OFI	Financial services
53	ISR	Insurance
54	OBS	Business services
55	ROS	Recreational and other services
56	OSG	Public Administration, Defense, Education, Health
57	DWE	Dwellings

Table 3. Primary Factor Identifiers in the GTAP5inGAMS Dataset

                LND     Land
                SKL     Skilled labor
                LAB     Unskilled labor
                CAP     Capital
                RES     Natural resources 

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Last Updated 06/12/01